International Microwave & Antennas Symposium
Rovide an ideal place for the exchange of scientific and technical information, both at academic and industrial levels, with fosters collaboration and cooperation in the microwaves, antennas & propagation domain both at Africa and global levels. Provide an overview of the current state-of-the-art in antennas, propagation, microwave circuits, and measurements, highlighting the latest developments and innovations required for future applications. Contributions from industries, universities, research centers, and other institutions.
IEEE MTT-S and IEEE AP-S have come together to fully sponsor the IMAS2023. The first edition of imas2023 will take place on 7-9 Feb. 2023 in Cairo, Egypt (in-person). It is planned to be organized annually in different African countries. It is technically sponsored by ain shams university and the german university in Cairo. This conference aims to provide an ideal place for the exchange of scientific and technical information, at both academic and industrial levels, with fosters collaboration and cooperation in the microwaves, antennas & propagation domain at African and global levels.