Levels of sponsorships

Platinum Sponsor - Conference Partner

Investment: EGP 50,000 (US $2700)
  • Acknowledgment & Logo Placement:
  • as CONFERENCE PARTNER in all event material
  • in event coverage on different news website like potential TV Coverage o internal media coverage & documentation o pre & post event social media coverage
  • Logo Placement
  • on all printed material (posters, rollups, etc.)
  • conference e-mail shots mailed to over 30,000 GUC students/graduates/staff
  • conference flyers
  • on the conference booklet
  • on potential conference giveaways
  • Benefits
  • Exclusive chance to represent the company among conference attendees in a 20 minutes talk. This talk could cover a state of the art technology adopted by your company, to promote for a recent product or service or simply to share industry updates
  • Information desk in conference entrance, can be used to display your recent products or to share information about your company
  • Accessibility to distribute brochures & giveaways during the conference
  • Chance to display 4 roll-ups in the conference venue
  • Inserted flyer in conference booklet (exact specs and submission deadline to advised later)
  • 20 minutes Banquet Keynote presentation slot and 1 Hour Workshop Slot
  • Free registration for 4 representatives in the workshop
  • Free registration for 4 representatives in the conference
  • 50% discount on tickets of any additional attendees from the company

Gold Sponsor - Official Sponsor

Investment: EGP 30,000 (US $1600)
  • Acknowledgment & Logo Placement:
  • as CONFERENCE PARTNER in all event material
  • in event coverage on different news website like potential TV Coverage o internal media coverage & documentation o pre & post event social media coverage
  • Logo Placement
  • on all printed material (posters, rollups, etc.)
  • conference e-mail shots mailed to over 30,000 GUC students/graduates/staff
  • conference flyers
  • on the conference booklet
  • on potential conference giveaways
  • Benefits
  • Information desk in conference entrance, can be used to display your recent products or to share information about your company
  • Accessibility to distribute brochures & giveaways during the conference
  • Chance to display 4 roll-ups in the conference venue
  • Inserted flyer in conference booklet (exact specs and submission deadline to advised later)
  • 15 minutes presentation slot
  • Free registration for 3 representatives in the workshop
  • Free registration for 3 representatives in the conference
  • 25% discount on tickets of any additional attendees from the company

Silver Sponsor - Associate Sponsor

Investment: EGP 10,000 (US $600)
  • Acknowledgment & Logo Placement
  • as CONFERENCE ASSOCIATE PARTNER in all event material
  • internal media coverage & documentation
  • pre & post event social media coverage
  • Logo Placement
  • on all printed material (posters, rollups, etc.)
  • conference e-mail shots mailed to over 30,000 GUC students/graduates/staff
  • conference flyers
  • on the conference booklet
  • on potential conference giveaways
  • Benefits
  • Information desk in conference entrance, can be used to display your recent products or to share information about your company
  • Chance to display 2 roll-ups in the conference venue
  • 15 minutes presentation slot
  • Free registration for 2 representatives in the workshop
  • Free registration for 2 representatives in the conference
  • 10% discount on tickets of any additional attendees from the company